Source: Pinterest Source: Pinterest

millytbot is a friendly urbit bot for graphing financial and macro data.

It also provides the latest crypto prices as well as major exchange rates. You can find it in the 📈📉🤔 Urfinance group at ~millyt-dorsen/finance, feel free to join and try it out!

Usage examples as of version 0.81.

If you want a quick how-to, try @robot help in channels where it is present.

Financial data Description
@chart $^GSPC line Line chart for the S&P500 index (it defaults to -365 days).
@chart $BTC-USD save Candle chart for $BTC, with the past year’s data. save keeps the chart around.
@chart $^IXIC 2021-01-01 ohlc OHLC chart for the Nasdaq Composite index since the start of 2021.
@chart $EURUSD=X -12mth candle Candle chart for EUR/USD with data from the past 12 months.
@chart $BTC-USD -5d hourly Candle chart for $BTC/USD, hourly data with data from the past five days.
@chart $BTC-ETH -2d ohlc interval:1h OHLC chart for $BTC/ETH, hourly data with data from the past two days.
@chart $SPY 2021-05-31 2021-06-30 line Line chart for $SPY, for the time period 31-May to 30-Jun.
@chart $BTC-USD -1y candle mav:22,50,200 dark Dark candle chart with 22,50,200d moving averages, with the past year’s data.
@robot price:BTC Latest dollar token price for BTC(or ETH, etc).

You can find more financial tickers at Yahoo! finance, related to crypto, trending, most active, world indices, currencies, and more…

Valid intervals for financial data are as follows: interval:1m,2m,5m,15m,30m,60m,90m,1h,1d,5d,1wk,1mo,3mo, or you may use short codes such as hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly.

Macro data Description
@macro $corecpi dark -20y Dark line chart with US core CPI inflation with data from the past 20 years.
@macro $farbast 2007-01-01 Line chart with the size of the Fed’s balance sheet, data since 2007-01-01.
@macro $gdpc1 yoy% Chart with US GDP growth (percentage change yoy).
@macro $gdpc1 qoqar% Chart with US GDP growth (annualised percentage change qoq).
@macro $spcs10rsa yoy% Chart with S&P/Case-Shiller 10-City Composite Home Price Index (percentage change yoy).

A range of macro quickies are available, to avoid the cumbersome syntax of the FRED database.

Macro ticker Description
$farbast US Federal Reserve Balance Sheet (size)
$cpi US CPI “inflation”
$corecpi US core CPI “inflation”
$pce US PCE deflator
$corepce US core PCE deflator
$gdp US GDP growth yoy%
$eurusd EUR/USD exchange rate
$us10y US 10y yield
$us5y US 5y yield
$us2y US 2y yield
$us30y US 30y yield
$us10y2y US curve (10y-2y yield),
$us10y3m US curve (10y yield-3m bill rate)
$feddebt Federal debt

Remember to always prefix the ticker with a dollar sign $!

You can find many many thousands of macro tickers at the Fed’s FRED database.

Chart sharing

Feel free to share the charts around! Just copy the image URL (e.g. Copy image address) and try this in some other chat: ![description](https://chart-URL) (this is standard Markdown formatting). Or why not try Copy Message Link in Landscape, and paste the contents somewhere.

If you want to save a chart for a long time, please add the save keyword. At some point old charts may have to be deleted from the server where they are stored, and ones without the save keyword will be the ones pruned first.

Known bugs

If you give a command such as @macro $gdpc1 yoy% 2007-01-01 you would expect to see percentage change yoy data also for 2007, but since the start date is provided to the data retriever, the eventual yoy% transform will only give you data for 2008 onwards.

Contact information

  • ~millyt-dorsen/finance
  • martin | guess the character here |
  • @enlundm (DM:s are open)